
Teheranie ? Teherists?

What a great state of the union speech! Bush really showed us how dumb we all really were! Why, it was all a code. Bagdad was just the first step on the road to Teheran, the country of terrorists. Teheran, teherists, teherany: it all adds up. I wonder were they behind the Twin Tehers too?

This is pretty frightening stuff. Another war? More kids dying? More towns and villages destroyed? Is Iran really Saddam? Let's hope Condaleeza is serious, that attacking Iran is not on her agenda.

A serious question. Trouble is, with her visit and Mr Bush's to come, the French and the Americans are coming together again, trying to be friends. Will they make it? Will there be appeasement? Isn't that supposed to be the wrong approach? Though I guess it depends on who you are trying to appease. After all, the tyrant is not necessarily who you think it is, and the friendly charmer can hide deep secrets.

Allez la France ! Faut pas être trop pôte, pas encore. Ou bien, il faut rester l'un ami fort, qui résiste toujours. Il faut toujours poser des questions, jouer le bon avocat du diable, de la part des autres. Sinon, qui les poseraient à votre place, ces questions ? Téheran, est-il vraiment le berceau des terroristes ?

Le speech de Bush hier fut révélateur. La maison blanche joue desormais sur Iran. La lettre Q, c'est la seule différence ?

La paix, avant tout ! Il y a toujours une solution politique, et on n'est pas obligé de faire la guerre pour la trouver. C'est bien Jacques Chirac qui l'a dit, n'est-ce pas ?

©RJ Doyle 2005

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