Hommage à Etienne Perrin
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(11 mots)For Anne Sinclair, the only question that matters
DSK: innocent or guilty?
The Economist, for all its high brow, does not really consider the African plaintiff either, but trots out the same clichés I've read before. Nor does this piece ask if DSK is innocent or guilty? So very few, if any, articles have probed that question with any objectivity. It's just another bash-France piece from The Pret-à-Manger-ville Tattler. We're used to that here. Read it here if you like.
(69 mots)Mumbai twitter
Here's a poignant piece in today's Guardian on the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks as seen by a movie maker. It reminds me how egocentric and sensationalist our western media can be. During the terrorist attacks we were fed stuff about how much westerners were the prime targets, particularly British and US passport holders. We were also treated to battle scenes outside and inside a few luxury hotels, the kind westerners stay in. In reality, most of the 200 or so victims of the attacks were mowed down in the train station. They were also mostly Indian. Only a score or so were westerners, and most of these were neither British nor American. Think about it.
©What's the Story Rory, RJDoyle-Clarke, Paris, 2008
Jo's 70th
It was Jo's 70th birthday recently. We drove Jo mad. We all had a big party on the 15th-16th May, and then I drove her across Wales and England to visit her sister in Gloucestershire, and a recently widowed friend in Surrey. Then on to the Channel tunnel, and to our house in Picardy where we downed plenty of white and red.
(175 mots)Doc gazing over Killiney Bay from the Vico Road, Co Dublin, Ireland. ©Rory Clarke
Francophile Ireland sails on
On 3 June a memorial service was held for Doctor John de Courcy Ireland in Monkstown Church, Dublin. He died on 4 April, aged 94. High-level political and naval representatives attended from France, China, Britain and Ireland. Doc Ireland's passing had already sparked a flood of writing and broadcasting about this truly remarkable man, his achievements and how he inspired almost everyone he met.
(944 mots)The inventor from Ons-en-Bray
This scientist was no prima donna of his age. Apparently Compte Louis-Léon Pajot's life began 25 March 1678, basically, quite a few centuries before mine. It ended 22 février 1754, at the age of 76. That's just 20 years before our house was built in Ons-en-Bray. Académicien honoraire, premier titulaire de l'une des places créées, le 23 mars 1716...Scientific and all. Check it out!
(673 mots)Ashkenazi walks on water
Just watched Eytan Fox's 2004 movie "Walk on Water". A good story, clever twist, and an impressive performance by Lior Ashkenazi, whom I had never seen before. Hardly a revelation to critics on the big screen beat, but new to me.
(459 mots)©BBC
Dave Allen, RIP
Just a word for Dave Allen, who from the comfort of his swivel chair in that dimmed BBC studio, like from a pulpit, had us rocking in the aisles with his shrewd observations and calm, anti-establishment wit. He was not just funny, he had our respect. Thanks for your genius and rest in peace.
(55 mots)Public doldrums
"By 11.20pm it's all over and we adjourn to the grim little cell in the basement laughingly called our "hospitality room". Once upon a time this contained some passable canapés and a selection of drinks. Nowadays there may be a couple of bottles of Uzbekistan's finest Riesling and a plate of Monster Munch."
(396 mots)Pee shock
My dad was a journalist in the 1960s. He attended the annual gaelic football (GAA) match between the gardaí and the army. Afterwards, at the reception, the then minister and future taoiseach (pronounced tee-shock, prime minister) toasted the gathering, praising the two greatest institutions of our State. My dad wrote in the Irish Times the next day: is he right? In a new democracy, surely these are not the ones to be proudest of? What about our colleges and schools? Our health service? What about parliament itself? The politician in question was embarrassed and had my dad lynched from the paper. A year or so later, my dad, who had joined the Irish Press, was at another reception in the Gresham Hotel and ran into the same minister in the loo. The future PM and leader of our land recognised the hack, and turning from his urinal, shook his member's remaining dribble over my dad's trouser leg. A pee-shock from a taoiseach. That was new Ireland. Another kind of swinging 60s.
©RJDoyle 2010
Joyce in Bloom and Blum
Paris is in bloom today, with a full deep blue sky, unlike the last edition when the elements howled. So it is a perfect time to talk about Joyce, about Paris, Dublin, France and Ireland, though mostly about Bloom. Ah, here we go again.
(865 mots)Latins, crimes and crooners
The French sometimes call the Irish the Latins of the North. But what have the two communities got in common? Sadly, both communities have been dealing with tragic youth crimes of late. One quality they appear to share is a love of words. But why have the Irish in particular been so slow to appreciate the lyrics of great French songwriter legends, such as Claude Nougaro, who passed away in March 2004?
(1586 mots)